KCFT Attendance Services
Walking alongside our tamariki, rangatahi and whānau to help them back into education
KCFT Attendance Services initially works with schools to identify at risk students who may have a high level of unjustified absences, then work with family/whānau to build a cooperative solution that provides on-going support and encouragement to help those students achieve more positive outcomes from their learning journey.
Truancy can be due to a range of factors. Our KCFT Attendance Navigators assist rangatahi to get the support they need to get back into school, or alternative education. In some cases, supportive employment programmes such as Steps to Success are the solution.
Working alongside other agencies in the area, and utilising our strong community support networks, we put plans and strategies in place to increase school attendance.
Attending school on a regular basis is hugely important. Every day counts towards a child’s learning and pays huge dividends for their future.

The KCFT Attendance Services Team:
(LtoR) Lee, Ginny & Lisa
Available for Kaipātiki, Takapuna & Devonport board regions on the North Shore of Auckland.
KCFT Attendance Services is part of the Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust operations. KCFT themselves have a long history of supporting people and whānau across the region with their community led approach that places an emphasis on building strong networks to achieve positive change.
Neighbourhoods are important to our children, young people, and their families/whānau. Children are the key to a healthy community and by collaboration in Kaipātiki we can ensure our neighbourhoods are important to our children.
Whereas strong neighbourhoods contribute to the quality of life for everyone – clean streets, vibrant local businesses, walk able communities with nearby amenities and parkland, an environment that shuns crime and violence and a strong feeling of support and connectedness amongst our young people and their whānau.
Kia piki ake te oranga o nga iwi katoa
May wellness of all people begin now
What we see as the major components of an Effective Truancy Reduction Programme
Truancy programs are the responsibility of the community and not just of schools, or parents, or the courts. This point and other principles for preventing truancy from rearing its head are highlighted in the variety of research gathering that has been made and available.
Our Tool Kit, which is about Promoting School, Community Engagement, & School Policies.
Our Tool Kit will discuss range of action plans to creating alternatives to out-of-school suspension and expulsion as move into the programme.
School Governance model will also benefit the KCFT Truancy Navigators in respect of professional support, training and much more.
A School Governance Group
- A continuum of supports, including meaningful incentives for good attendance and consequences for poor attendance.
- Collaboration among community factors such as law enforcement, mental health workers, mentors, and social service providers, in addition to educators.
- Concrete and measurable goals for program performance and student performance. Good record keeping and on-going evaluation of progress toward those goals.
- Parent/guardian involvement, or whole whanau/family involvement.
What we can provide together
A service that re-integrates truant students into the education system or further learning.
A service that extends beyond returning the learner back to school but all factors contributing to a learner’s unjustifiable absence or non-enrolment and identifies what school, Whānau, community and social service support is required.
"If you think this service could assist you and your rangatahi, you can contact your school directly and ask for help."
For further information, please contact Ginny Bonner on 021 063 1932
or email ginny@kcft.org.nz