Kaipātiki Parent Pack
Kaipatiki Youth Development Trust
The KYDT is as a community-based social service provider working alongside ‘at-risk’ young people and their whanau.
The purpose of KYDT programmes is to decrease youth related offending within our communities, and to increase positive youth involvement in community based activities and events. To continue to be a recognised provider of programmes and training catered towards “at risk” youth and their whanau.
To strengthen and establish partnerships with key community and statutory stakeholders by working collaboratively together and developing Intervention strategies that work for whanau and communities.
The KYDT staff are committed to offering a culturally competent practice and culturally safe interventions for young people.

The success of KYDT is achieved through the provision of our core services:
- Kanohi ki te Kanohi: individualized activity based mentoring and social support work
- Early Intervention Programmes (EIP) in local Primary, Intermediate and Secondary Schools
- After school activity based programmes
- Collaboration and networking
- Counselling services
The organisation originally worked in the Birkdale and Beach Haven communities, but has extended their operations to include Glenfield and other suburbs covered by the Kaipatiki Local Board area of Auckland (namely Birkenhead, Northcote & Glenfield).

KYDT Mission
KYDT believes that all young people are to be nurtured in a safe and healthy environment, and that they are valued and empowered to achieve their full potential in education and employment, and to be citizens fully participating in their communities, making their communities safer. If we are to achieve the desired goal of success for all children and young people then we must hold high expectations for all, especially for those most vulnerable in our communities. We must view these young people as having strengths and not “deficits,” and adopt programs and practices that help all young people to achieve their true potential.
All children and young people are special and significant.
Physical Address
Kaipatiki Youth Development Trust
Marlborough Park, Chartwell Avenue
Glenfield 0629
Opening Hours

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