Who we are, and what we do
The Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust (KCFT) has a partnering agreement with the Kaipātiki Local Board to provide a connected community approach through the community development work model. Through this model, KCFT provides a variety of community activations, projects, programmes and key events that meet the needs of our Kaipātiki residents, while also increasing neighbourhood sustainability.
KCFT’s role with the Kaipātiki Local Board is to provide connected communities within the Board’s area of responsibility. The Trust is committed to serving and supporting sustainable communities because we know our role succeeds where connected communities thrive.
Our work will always revolve around the Five Wellbeing’s… Give, Be Active, Keep Learning, Connect and Take Notice.
KCFT recognises that by working together with regional and local community organisations, including central government agencies, we can do more to effectively support local communities and member organisations, thus achieving greater social wellbeing and more effective outcomes.
KCFT provides support around Tikanga Māori and all projects that increases Te Aro Māori, or shared outcomes and benefits. This is achieved through collaboration with mataawaka/mana whenua driven kaupapa. KCFT also ensures that local Māori are involved within the leadership of appropriate consultation/hui and projects. Therefore,
KCFT continues to place a high value on Māori and Pakeha working together in partnership based on the Treaty of Waitangi, along with full engagement in our multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society.
KCFT was originally formed in 1983, (Birkdale College and Community Swimming Pool Trust) to deliver a community role within the local swimming facility operations.
Then in 1986, it developed into a variety of community development, community wellbeing and recreational services for the former Birkenhead City Council. Also in 1986, the Community Coordinator position was established on a contract basis.
With the local authority amalgamation in 1989 establishing the North Shore City Council, the Trust’s name changed to Birkenhead Northcote Community Facilities Trust. Again, in the amalgamation in 2010 to Auckland Council, the partnership role continued with the Kaipātiki Local Board and the name changed to the Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust, aligning itself with the new Kaipātiki Community.

Our Vision and Aspirations
KCFT exists to add value for our communities on a long-term basis, by building on partnerships that enhance the wider community.
We do this through the development and implementation of superior programmes and activities that support the wider communities wellbeing. This in turn, adds value to existing partnerships and builds and enriches the fabric of community life. KCFT is committed to serving and supporting sustainable communities because our role succeeds where communities thrive.

Our areas of activity include…
Summer/Winter Fun Programmes
Active Neighbourhood Connections
Diversity programmes that showcase artistic talents in ways that foster a sense of connection
Sharing initiatives that teach new skills, etc
Strengthening local economies by supporting local employment opportunities, especially for youth
Identifying quality of life issues that concern residents and raise them with the Kaipātiki Local Board
Partnering with government agencies, businesses and education providers to achieve quality programmes, especially for youth
Collaboration and networking with local and government agencies, along with other organisations, on issues affecting residents’ quality of life to provide solutions at a manageable scale
Mobilising under-utilised resources, skills, knowledge and networks
Promoting the role of the Kaipātiki Local Board and its Plan to wider communities
Strengthening trusting relationships between neighbours to positively affect individual health and wellbeing
Our Core Values
Roots – identity, take strength from knowing who you are, and where you are from.
Community – add value and give more to our communities.
Inclusive – we will engage all residents, in all neighbourhoods.
Creativity – to use our gifts and talents through innovation, design and arts.
Excellent – all our activities will meet the highest standards, and promote safe, sensitive and involved parenting.
Expertise – our work will be based on the best evidence available.
Respectful – all relationships between our practitioners, organisations, leisure and interest groups are based on mutual respect, and will stress the importance of collaborative partnering.
Sustainable – we are Kaipātiki. Thinking sustainably and acting locally, we will assist our Kaipātiki Local Board to improve the quality of local resources and open spaces in local neighbourhoods, making them more accessible to meet local needs.
Collaborative – we will partner relevant organisations when that serves the best interests of the residents of Kaipātiki.
Accessible – our activities, projects, events and programmes will be designed to be accessible for all, and we will encourage participation and feedback.
Relevant – we will design our activities, projects, events and programmes to meet the needs and priorities of all our stakeholders as best we can.
Download our KCFT Profile