Kaipātiki Explorer
Eskdale Reserve Network
The Eskdale Reserve Network is a collection of many connected reserves. From east to west lie Birkenhead Domain (entrances from Glenfield and Eskdale Roads), Hiwihau Scenic Reserve (entrance from Hiwihau Place), Eskdale Bush (entrances from Eskdale Road and Brunton Place), Lauderdale Reserve (entrance from Lauderdale Road) and Francis Kendall Reserve (entrance from Kaipãtiki Road).
The upper main entrances, off Glenfield Road, have cleaning stations, and pass down through a variety of habitat types from early regeneration to mature forest.
The other main entrance is off Eskdale Road by the substation, which has a cleaning station. Go across the bridge, turn left and you follow the new boardwalk that goes through many kauri following the stream on down past Kaipãtiki Creek to the exit at Kaipãtiki Road.
If you turn right from the Eskdale Rd entrance, you head into impressive mature bush and on up a not too steep climb to Glenfield Rd.
There is also a bridge providing access from Lauderdale Reserve. This small grass reserve is surrounded by tall kanuka with native jasmine and clematis. Downstream, the stream falls in a small cascade to a wide pool. A vantage point above the far end of this pool provides a good view into the mangrove-lined Kaipãtiki Creek.
Step-Free on the main tracks only. Minor tracks have steps and stairs.