Kaipātiki Explorer
The Kaipātiki Local Board is responsible for decision-making on local matters, activities and services, and for providing input into Auckland regional strategies, policies and plans.

The board makes decisions on local matters such as:
- Governing and managing our local parks and reserves.
- Supporting local arts, culture, events and sport and recreation.
- Supporting local organisations to deliver community services.
- Maintaining and upgrading town centres and facilities including libraries and halls.
- Caring for the environment and preserving heritage.
Local boards also have a role in representing the view of their communities on issues of local importance.
Kaipātiki parks are spread throughout the local board area, providing a tapestry of green spaces for respite, play and sports. Kaipātiki parks have a variety of facilities ranging from playgrounds to walking tracks to sports fields and courts, providing opportunities for people of all ages to enjoy their leisure time in an outdoor environment.
Our walking tracks provide the community with opportunities to engage with the natural environment and learn about our native plants and animals. They are important places to support the growth of our tamariki (children) and rangatahi (youth / younger generations).

Kaipātiki Local Board Members (LtoR): Paula Gillon, Tim Spring, Danielle Grant JP (Deputy Chairperson), Janet Tupou, John Gillon (Chairperson), Adrian Tyler, Melanie Kenrick, Erica Hannam.
The distribution of parks and their variety helps to ensure that residents are never far from a park that they can enjoy. Parks also provide ecological corridors for wildlife, forming part of the North-West Wildlink connecting the Tīkapa Moana / Hauraki Gulf islands with the Waitākere Ranges. Kaipātiki parks encompass large areas of native bush ranging from forest remnants to coastal forests and regenerating bush. They support a range of ecosystems from kauri, podocarp and beech forests to raupō and sedge wetlands, to mangrove habitats, providing unique habitats for an abundance of native species.

A STEP FREE icon shows destinations with smoothed tracks and boardwalks for easier access. None, or minimal steps or stairs.
Wheelchair users may need help to get through the Cleaning Stations.