Kaipātiki Explorer
Kauri Glen Reserve & Cecil Eady Bush Reserve
Kauri Glen Reserve was established as a reserve in 1907 and Cecil Eady Bush Reserve some time later when further subdivision occurred. These reserves are contiguous and linked together by a good walking trails running from Kauri Glen Road, by Northcote College, through to Tui Glen Road and Raymond Terrace at the top, and Lake road at the bottom. A feature is the newly opening “Treetop Bridge” that takes you through the forest canopy over the Waiurutoa Stream and amongst an impressive stand of kauri.
Although the forest has been milled for kauri, some large trees of 200 to 300 years in age remain along with many other large native tree specimens.
Entering the reserve at the Kauri Glen Road entrance you follow the track down to the left onto the “Treetop Bridge” floating amongst the kauri trees giving you a great view down into the valley and out into the forest canopy.
The upper part of the reserve has smooth, low gradient tracks all the way down to the “Treetop Bridge”, so is suitable for wheelchair or mobility impaired users.
From the bridge you can venture further on to reach Tui Glen Road or Raymond Terrace. There are large totara and tanekaha here and some fine specimens of nikau palms - particularly on the track to Raymond Terrace.
If you head down to the right at the entrance, before the “Treetop Bridge”, you find yourself amongst the rest of the reserve which has plenty of old growth trees along with regenerating undergrowth. Make sure you stop at the viewing platform half way down to enjoy the view. Carrying on further you reach the Gladstone Avenue entrance, or you can drop down to the stream at the bottom of the reserve which features a wetland area and a view of the clear running water, and maybe an eel or two.
Following on further you cross Woodside Avenue and walk beside the Onepoto Stream and onto Lake Road.
Step-free and wheelchair friendly at the upper end from Kauri Glen Rd.
Top aerial photo of the Treetop Bridge courtesy of Auckland Council.