Shepherds Park
From roots to skyline
Yesterday, today and into the future
Beach Haven residents will be familiar with the green expanse of Shepherds Park and perhaps wondered at our good luck in possessing such a place.
This booklet showcases this wonderful park today and how great efforts both by local Councils and individuals contributed to its creation.
Shepherds Park was originally made up of four farms, with the final purchase in 1988 of land once owned by Ralph Shepherd added to the previous purchases.
Residents were asked to contribute their ideas for the use of the land and at the end of 1990, a group of local volunteers formed the Shepherds Park Management Committee. They took a watching role over park use, liaising with Councils to ensure compliance with the management plan.
This included approval of major new developments in the park, making efforts to coordinate them and suit the landscape. In 1998 the management committee evolved into Friends of Shepherds Park. Their aim was to return the Headland to the original native coastal forest.
There are a limited number of the printed book available for general distribution.
Please email: Friends of Shepherds Park to secure a copy.
View the Shepherds Park publication in FlipBook form below: