KCFT Strategic Direction 2021 - 2025
Whiria te tāngata | Weave the people together
Our Vision (our aspiration)
A Kaipātiki local board area where residents and neighbourhoods build, enhance, celebrate and take ownership of their own community development and wellbeing through community participation.
Mission Statement (defining our “business”)
To foster an inclusive Kaipātiki where everyone belongs to and participates in a community where people choose to live, work, play and be active. Kaipātiki includes Beach Haven, Birkenhead, Chatswood, Birkdale, Northcote, Northcote Point, Glenfield, Sunnybrae, Wairau Valley, Hillcrest, Marlborough, Totara Vale, Windy Ridge and Bayview.
We do this by using our Community Led Development Principles; through our commitment to Te Titiri o Waitangi; and through our collaboration with mana whenua and mataawaka to increase Te Ao Māori in Kaipātiki and the shared outcomes and benefits for all.
Our mission also incorporates, and provides for, Kaipātiki’s multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society.

Our Seven Community Led Development Principles
(how we work)
We have two underlying community wellbeing models to our Principles:
- Hauora (Te Whare Tapa Whã model) and
- The Five Wellbeing’s.
Both of these models are part of the Mental Health Foundation approach to building positive community wellbeing.
Hauora and Te Whare Tapa Whā Wellbeing Model
Hauora (the Mãori model of health and wellbeing), can enrich the Kaipãtiki community. Hauora is built on 4 pillars, like the four walls of a wharenui.

Dr Mason Durie’s Te Whare Tapa Whā model compares hauora to the four walls of a wharenui (meeting house).
Each wall representing a different dimension: taha wairua (the spiritual side); taha hinengaro (thoughts and feelings); taha tinana (the physical side); and taha whānau (family).
All four dimensions are necessary for strength and symmetry. The wharenui’s connection with the whenua (land) forms the foundation for the other 4 dimensions. A revised version of the Te Whare Tapa Whā model includes whenua as a fifth dimension.
Five Wellbeing’s Model
In our work we see connections between Te Whare Tapa Whã and the Five Wellbeing’s.

Give is linked to taha whānau - social wellbeing and spiritual wellbeing.
Be Active is linked to aha tinana and taha hinengaro - physical well-being and mental/emotional wellbeing.
Keep Learning is linked to taha whānau, taha hinengaro - social wellbeing and mental/emotional wellbeing.
Connect is linked to taha whānau, whenua, taha hinengaro, taha wairua – social wellbeing, land, mental /emotional wellbeing.
Take Notice is linked to all five dimensions of the Te Whare Tapa Whā.
These two overall Wellbeing models inform our Seven Community Led Development Principles:
Principle 1 – Build social capital, networks and assets
We identify and connect people and organisations to each other. It is often through this process that important links are made between community assets and those who need them. In time, formal network mapping sessions may be useful in offering clues as to strengths and weaknesses in the neighbourhood’s networks. As the neighbourhood’s social capital increases, opportunities to develop residents’ knowledge and skills emerge
Principle 2 – Effective communication
Effective, open communication that helps to build trust is critical at all times
Principle 3 – Listen, Plan and Problem-solve
At some point, the community will want to take on issues and engage in problem-solving. KCFT listens to the community and then we can facilitate the creation of a formal vision or set of goals to guide the problem solving
Principle 4 – Incubate & Nurture
Share initiatives and resources that teach new skills and knowledge for groups and develop their capacity, foster a sense of connection and diversity to build social connections and relationships
Principle 5 – Partner and Collaborate
With Government Agencies (Central), business and community to achieve quality programmes and connections
Principle 6 – Maximise
Community control of activity and inclusive decision-making, increase employment opportunities locally for all.
Principle 7 – Mobilise
Under-utilised resources, skills, knowledge and networks through mapping of community assets, and create activations and projects that showcase local talent, increasing community pride.
Our Goals & Actions (what we will achieve & examples of completed actions to demonstrate we achieved it)
Action: To identify appropriate projects that respond to Māori aspirations in a practical and effective way
Action: Engage with mana whenua and mataawaka to identify projects that response to local Māori aspirations..
What We Know about Community Led Development Benefits
(why we are important to Kaipātiki)
- Community organisations have the power to tangibly improve population health and wellbeing.
- Those with the most social connectiveness i.e. those who have a high level of participation in social and community organisations and their networks, have higher opportunities of health and wellbeing.
- Community groups are the engines that drive our ability to change behaviour, reduce offending, expand community involvement and innovating change.

Download the KCFT Strategic Direction 2021-25